Our Team Of P.G.A Professionals.

Chris Evans P.G.A. Advanced Professional
Chris Evans Is a former Welsh PGA Champion and has played tournament golf at the highest of levels.
He has the ability to coach players of any level, including through to Professional standards.
Chris drives pupils forward and demands hard work. A philosophy which sees his pupils improve rapidly from starting the learning process.
Chris is Trackman Level 2 certified and his knowledge of the golf swing allows pupils to easily understand the Trackman data and learn about their swings with great ease.
Super informative playing lessons are also available and if you really want to treat your partner or loved one, then why not book a day with Chris which includes morning coaching and then eighteen holes playing at Tandridge.

Steven Peters
PGA Qualified Professional
Steven has been employed at the Golf School for the past thirteen years and in that time has become an exceptional instructor.
Steven is an expert in course management and also specialises in short game sessions especially chipping and pitching.
Pupils of all standards can be catered for equally and Steven's passion for coaching will assist you in reaching your golfing goals.
Stevens expert knowledge and huge experience makes him a perfect number two, to assist Chris in the daily running of the business. His knowledge for club fitting is of the highest standard and fittings on the Trackman can be made via his website for either driver, fairways, hybrids or irons.
Booking early to get a session with Steven is highly recommended and you can access his private lesson page by clicking his picture. You can not book sessions with Steven via the shop or this site.

Harry Crow
PGA Training Professional
Harry began his Professional journey in May 2021.
As a second year trainee he is now competent in all areas of the business and has proven to be a coach who gets results!
An expert in beginner and intermediate tuition, Harry is certainly becoming a firm favourite with both members and visitors alike.
Harry is also a Trackman level 2 certified coach and has an incredible understanding of the system. As a club fitter he excels and you will be very happy with the results he can provide.
Harry provides all of our off site coaching to local Schools, this has proven to be immensely popular and has seen many of his students join Tandridge as Junior members.

Ed Sharples
PGA Training Professional
Ed turned Professional in October 2022 and is now in his second year of the PGA Foundation degree in golf studies.
Ed joined us from Mere Golf Club in Manchester and has been a brilliant addition to the team.
Ed specialises in all of the School's junior coaching and the Saturday Club has thrived under his supervision.
Ed is an ultra talented player and plays competitive events on a regular basis. His amateur handicap was plus two and this is a true reflection on how good his play is.
Quite the personality, his infectious character is fun for us all to be around and your golf will only improve under his guidance.